Our latest Projects


Forum Digital Fairness and Consumer Protection

We assess digital fairness from a power-critical perspective and develop recommendations for consumer protection.


Futures Literacy for Civil Society– A Gym for our Imagination Muscle

Together with Futures Probes and 15 people from 13 civil society organizations, we are setting out to test and establish futures literacy as a (civil) society practice and prepare the ground for more equitable futures.

Risktakers Fellowship

The Risktakers Fellowship supported 10 projects to face the crises of our time by envisioning and enacting ideas for inclusive and equal futures – in the digital space and beyond.

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What we do

We focus on the following areas in our work:

Policy and advocacy: developing intersectional feminist tech policies that ensure that all groups in society benefit equitably from digitisation. 

Networks and convenings: Building connections for a broad range of civil society to own digital policy and shape it to benefit their own causes. 

Research: we interrogate the role of technology in advancing a collective social justice agenda. 

Narrative building: strengthening civil society’s capacity to explore their own future visions for the role of tech in society, which in turn informs our collective policy ideas. 

Our latest Publications


Big Tech's Sucess: The Untold Stories of the Exploitation of African Workers

Twelve unfiltered stories of the fight for justice by former content moderators; talking about the harsh conditions, labor organizing & the future.

Policy Building Blocks

How can we make digital policy just?

A hitchhiker’s guide to digital civil society

A brochure with visions of the future of digital civil society.

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Change is never made alone. SUPERRR tech policy needs diverse experience and expertise.

SUPERRR collaborates with a diverse range of civil society organisations, individuals and collectives pushing for change.