In December 2022, we published our concept for a feminist digital policy. Since then, we have been asked again and again: Great - but how does that actually work? Is there a checklist that we can use to assess whether something is feminist or not?
The answer lies in feminist digital policy: "Feminist digital policy is a policy of nuances. It is uncomfortable because it does not offer easy solutions, and it is honest because it actively points out the gaps."
Nevertheless, we need starting points for how we can bring intersectional analysis and feminist values into digital policy. That is why we have tried to turn something that cannot be a checklist into something like a checklist: The Policy Building Blocks.
They are a collection of questions that cannot be answered with a yes or no, but which help to foresee the effects of digital policy decisions. They pose important initial questions along four dimensions: The Social Level, the Global Level, the Systemic Level and the Time-Historical Level.
We publish the Policy Building Blocks as an inspiration for other organizations and, above all, for politicians to put digital projects to the social test. Here's what is important to us:
- It is not just the questions that are decisive, but the people who discuss them.
- The list is not self-contained, on the contrary: each topic deserves different in-depth questions.
- We want to see the Policy Building Blocks in action! So use them and reach out to us if you want to test them with us in your field of work.
Download the Policy Building Blocks.